Samoëns American Festival 2021 (SAF)



SAF 2021 weekend from 06 to Sunday 8 July 2021.
Program on request from our stayers.

The Samoëns American Festival is the country reference in the Alps!
For four days, Samoëns lives on American time. Immersed in a western atmosphere, the village will vibrate to the rhythm of country concerts, line dance and equestrian demonstrations.

Passionate about country dance and American culture, this event is made for you. Country, new line and Catalan dance courses.

You can also hammer the ground with your boots to the rhythm of the three concerts offered on the village square, and on the specially installed dance floor.

But the SAF also includes equestrian events around a career on the theme of cowboys and Indians, thematic events for everyone, around twenty stands of American products throughout the weekend ...

Program of courses 2020 for information:
COUNTRY AND NEW LINE - Espace du Bois aux Dames
Friday 5/07 morning
9 am-10.30am: Country level I with Ivonne Verhagen
10.45 a.m.-12.15 p.m .: Country level II with Ivonne Verhagen
Friday afternoon
2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m .: Country and New Line Level III with Niels Poulsen
Saturday 6/07 morning
9 am-10.30am: Country level I with Niels Poulsen
10:45 am-12:15pm: Country level II with Niels Poulsen
Saturday afternoon
2.30pm-4.30pm: Country and New Line Level III with Ivonne Verhagen
Sunday 7/07 Morning
8.45 am / 10.45 am: Country level I with Ivonne and Niels
11 am / 1 pm: Country level II with Ivonne and Niels
CATALAN DANCE - Salle du Criou
                        With Manu Santos and Algaly
                                                   Sat 06/07: 9 am-10.30am level I
                                                                          10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. level II
 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Level III
                                                      Sun 07/07: 9 am-10.30am level I
                                                                      10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. level II

A - Formula 1 course = 8 €
B - Formula 2 courses = 15 €
C - Formula 3 courses = 21 €
D - From 4 course: 6 € / course
E - Pass for all courses = 40 €

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